Monday, August 24, 2009

A New Semester for Chris and the Pink Pages from My Niece's Diary

I picked Chris up from class today. It's the start of another semester for him, and I think he's going to have a very successful one. Our goal is to get him on the Dean's List. He's very smart. He's taking a full load, plus a Spanish II lab. Tallahassee is one of those big ol' college towns so when the students come back, it's like a fucking invasion of young folk, not to mention the plethora of college twinks to gawk at. (I love the word plethora.)

A part of me is happy that it's no longer me, but I do miss being a college student. I liked it a hell of a lot better than high school, which was a four year nightmare for an overweight gay boy. I find that it doesn't matter if it's grade school or college. That first day is always exciting. I think I'm living vicariously through Chris. I'm uber proud of him. I'm always happy to assist him with class assignments and papers. Had I continued on with my doctorate, I would probably be teaching at some college in New York by now, making good ass money. But no, I'm making minimum wage working at a crappy ass movie theatre with a masters degree I haven't been using.

I was scheduled to take two classes at the junior college here, but dropped them 'cause of my finances. I just didn't want to take out more financial aid being that I'm already 64k in college loan debt. Chris says it's good debt. Whatever that means. My credit is great. As in, I have none. :) But junior college is way cheap. Chris is taking 15 credit hours and it was only 1100.00. I was going to take up graphic design. I don't know. I will likely do it in the spring. That way my dad can pay for my classes with his disability check from his hip replacement surgery. Plus, I'm working on three book projects, so I was afraid I wouldn't have the time. I'm content with not having the responsibility of classes, writing papers on topics I'm forced to research, waiting in lines just to drop a course or waiting to get my pic taken for an ID card.

Thing is, I need to work at being more productive with my time. I need to do something with my life. I'm not getting any younger. I'm so sick of part time jobs that don't lead anywhere. I've been here for six years and I feel as if I've wasted away doing nothing to better my life. Yeah, I'm going back to school. I gotta do something.

Well, my niece and nephew are back in Orlando. My nephew started pre-k today. The boy is bad ass and never stops talking. I think his favorite word is 'bitch.' Don't ask me where he picked it up from. I'm guessing from listening to one of my niece's middle school-age friends. They start to curse like drunken sailors at that age. I stole a few diary pages from my niece. She would kill me if she knew I took her diary pages. Here's what she had to say:

Dear Diary,

the last day of school we had some music for artist Chirsten artist. When they were singing they call us up. And we had fun and every thing I love the big American flag side Ms. Ellis was spraying us with this shower pole whatever it is we had luch (lunch) then we did a ballon toss
My partner was Kalya we almost won until I drop the ballon twice. Then something happened Ms. Ellis had dump by water. by 3 people I am not telling. Then she got mad I did not know why she was mad. Until she told us in class. She had a earache. Anyways we did volleyball. People didn't want to play volleyball because you don't get wet we won wanted to go on the slide agian. We only did a couple of thing.

Dear. Diary

Some people Just be mean Like Cedia she alway calls me lame every time I ask her that she says no I don't want to be her freind she just tonya tonya tonya tonya she get on my last head I can't even talk to cedia any more because she is so popular. Yah right. she don't know how to swim and she's poor like a hobo

I AM SO MAD FEROUS (furious.)

Some people are always greedy does mamma know that she got a my space.

Ain't it cute, Ya'll? I will have more soon.

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